Immortal Ink

2007 East Isaacs·Walla Walla,WA


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Wes Ohler

After years in the construction business, Wes was ready for a change. Years of art in his school days and a love for art brought Wes to the very shop that in 2 short years he would buy from its original owner and renamed it IMMORTAL INK. Twelve years later, Wes is known for his eye for detail, and he is constantly striving to bring his art to the next level. Wes is the Owner of Immortal Ink and has striven to supply each and every one of his clients with a top quality tattoo. From Bold lines and Bright Colors, to the opposite side of the spectrum, Portrait Quality Black and Grey. Wes is the man to see.
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2007 East Isaacs·Walla Walla,WA

Copyright 2010 Immortal ink all right reserved

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